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 Ami nsta li, nkre sta djuntu ku nhos, 2024

" Rotterdam-Cape Verdean artist Sandim Mendes works with photography, drawing, installation, performance and textiles. She is driven by the idea that the most personal is also the most universal.
This idea is also central to the textile and embroidery work she made especially for de Doelen.
In doing so, she drew inspiration from the traditional Cape Verdean dance and song culture
of the Batuku.

Two female dancers are surrounded by female musicians. This is a self-portrait: Sandim performs
the dance herself and has executed the dance positions in a linocut. The dancers are placed against
the background of buildings and ships that represent a link between Rotterdam and Cape Verde.
We also see flowers and animals - they symbolize the many generations of Cape Verdeans
who live on in the artist."

'In January 2021, the Doelen gave a stage to the Batuku dance,' Sandim says. 'I liked that.
My work connects to that. I want to create recognition and connection. I also hope it will introduce visitors and musicians in de Doelen to a culture that may still be new to them.'

Placed on a wall close to the Artists' Foyer, her work contrasts with that of artist Kees Franse,
who decorated the wall next to the foyer with a tile tableau during the Doelen's construction.
By connecting ‘old’ and ‘new’ work at this spot, changes in the Doelen's programming are made visible. 

Sandim made this work in collaboration with Amy Suo Wu, Marie-Sarah Simon, Neels Smeekens and Genoveva Tavares Monteiro.

Artwork: Ami nsta li, nkre sta djuntu ku nhos (2024)
Translation: I am here, I want to be with you
Collection: de Doelen 
Made possible by: CBK Rotterdam, BPD Cultuurfonds, the Mondriaan Fund and de Doelen Steunfonds

Photography by: Florine van Rees
Video by: Studionul

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 © 2025 by Sandim Mendes

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